Hi! Frank Schrijvers here. I am the heart and soul of WPStudio, creating fresh Genesis themes and ready-to-use plugins. WPStudio is based in Arnhem, The Netherlands, land of wooden shoes, tulips, windmills and top-notch webdesigners and coders. I live there with my girlfriend Mijke and 10 year old son Yuka.
Besides interior design, running, power kiting, and drinking my favorite brand of tea (Turkish, really strong), I love WordPress and Genesis. My passion: developing and designing functional and clean Genesis themes. I’ve built my first HTML website more than a decade (I feel really old now!). In 2009, I uploaded my first free themes to the WordPress repository. Different time, different style, but they were popular back then (almost 200.000 downloads). Since then, I’ve plunged into the amazing world of WordPress.
My digital journey started at an Internet access company, followed by a hosting enterprise, and a webdesign agency. Back then, I already loved to scribble and sketch, making my own graphical designs. And I got the hang over it: more and more, I preferred my own freelance activities over a well-paid job at a firm. In the end, this resulted in today’s WordPress and Genesis activities within WPStudio.
Can’t get enough? Read my interview at genesiswp.guide.