Setup the blog
Create a new page with the name blog or a name you prefer. Navigate to Settings > Reading. The Front page displays is already set on A static page. Set the Posts page on the page you’ve just created. On this page you can also set the maximum number of posts shown per page. Don’t forget to save the settings.
Featured images
The images above the posts on the blog and single post pages are featured images. In the right sidebar of the post or page you see the featured Image option. If this option is not available check your screen options at the top right. Click on Set featured image and set the image you want to use as featured image. For best result use images with a width of at least 1140px width.
Featured videos
If you have the Featured Video Plus plugin installed you can also use featured video’s instead of featured images. At the right top you see a sidebar widget with the name Featured Video. Works with Local Media, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion. Copy the Video URL and paste it into the URL field. Navigate to Settings -> Media for the plugin settings.