Title and description
If you want to display your site title and description follow these steps.
First navigate to Genesis > Theme Settings. Be sure under Header: Use for site title/logo Dynamic text is active. Don’t forget to save the settings.
Your site title and site description can be set by navigating to Settings > General.
- The Site Title will display in the sidebar at the top of your site.
- The Site Description will display underneath the site title.
If you want to use a custom logo follow these steps.
First navigate to Genesis > Theme Settings. Be sure under Header: Use for site title/logo Image logo is active. Don’t forget to save the settings. Next navigate to Appearance > Customize. Click the option upload logo and upload your custom logo. Don’t forget the save.
If you want to use a custom favicon follow these steps.
Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Under Site Icon push the button Select file. Select the icon/logo you want to use and hit Save and Publish.